Las mujeres siguen realizando la mayor parte del trabajo no remunerado

por: James Goldie, Información 360 en Melbourne

Las encuestas en toda la región de Asia y el Pacífico siguen mostrando la cantidad de horas extras no remuneradas que realizan las mujeres.

Como parte de su encuesta sobre igualdad de género en el hogar, Meta preguntó a los usuarios de Facebook en 2021 cuántas horas al día dedican al trabajo doméstico o de cuidados no remunerado.

Los resultados muestran marcadas diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en la mayoría de los países. En Nueva Zelanda, por ejemplo, sólo el 22% de los hombres informaron que realizaban más de tres horas diarias de trabajo doméstico o de cuidados no remunerado, mientras que el 39% de las mujeres lo hacían. En Malasia, el 38 por ciento de los hombres informaron que pasan más de tres horas al día, en comparación con el 63 por ciento [percent of women.

Leaving unpaid domestic or care work to women is a problem in most countries across Asia-Pacific.

Similar surveys of Australians break this disparity down even further and show just how little improvement there has been in the last 20 years.

Australian men spent far less time doing housework and playing with their children than women.

In 2022, women aged 25–35 averaged 15.6 hours a week on housework and chores and another 17.5 hours a week playing with their children, compared to 7.9 hours of housework and chores for men and 7.3 hours a week playing with their children.

While total hours for paid and unpaid work appear similar between working-aged Australian men and women, men continue to spend more of that time on paid employment and their commute at the expense of unpaid forms of work — particularly housework and playing with their children.

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This problem is about both who does unpaid work and how much time they spend doing it.

A pre-pandemic survey of time use in India showed that in both urban and rural areas, girls and women aged 6+ were several times more likely than boys and men to do care work and especially domestic work — and the ones who did spend several times as long doing it.

These multiplying disparities mean domestic work takes up about 10 times as much of girls and women’s time.

Originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™.


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